Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sore Butt

In my attempts to broaden my exercise regimen, I have been using the weight room at the Y to do heavier lifting than I had done at home during my ultra training. Thanks to my oldest brother's friend, who acted as my pro bono personal trainer during my college summers, I have good technique. BUT I keep making myself incredibly sore.

I lifted on Monday, ran an hour on Tuesday, and swam for 40 minutes this morning (with bicycle commuting thrown in). This isn't an unusual schedule for me, but today I'm walking stiff-legged around the office, massaging my left butt cheek.

I don't think I'm over-doing it at the time. I'll feel great doing my 3 or 4 sets of 5 reps (and I'm not reaching my max), then the next day I'll be all achy. What the hell's my problem? Is this just another example of my perfectionism come to fruition? Ahhh!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

OMG! Sarah Palin is Totally Like My Hero

I was the captain of the speech team in high school. I know, I'm a dork. But I was GOOD, unlike some people...

I'm Back in the Blogosphere

I've taken a break from more than training it seems. Oops!

The fall is beautiful here, and I'm trying to take full advantage of it. I've been running, walking, cycling, swimming, lifting weights, and loving the lack of pressure (pressure that I have applied to myself in the past).

I have even been staying up past my bedtime occasionally. This weekend Dave and I trekked to Charlottesville to visit his sister in her gorgeous apartment. We ate out at a tasty Mediterranean restaurant and strolled around the Downtown Mall like tourists. In running news, I discovered a new trail quite by accident. I was feeling down about having to run on sidewalks (gasp!) on a major road when I saw a little sign just beyond the guardrail. It read "Rivanna Trails", so I followed it. Soon I was taken out of the grime and noise of the city street to a green valley full of babbling brooks and leaping white tail deer. It may sound like a Disney movie, but it was really like that. So, my spirits were lifted. It's the simple things...

On a more negative exercise note, my bike is ill. I've been having a lot of trouble with flat tires, and I finally determined that the walls of the tires are deteriorating, causing the tubes to pop when inflated or compressed. Since the bike is my method of transportation, I've been left taking the bus, which isn't so bad but costs money. I'm going to take poor Blue into the shop to see if he needs to be put down, salvaged, or replaced by a more virile cousin.