Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sore Butt

In my attempts to broaden my exercise regimen, I have been using the weight room at the Y to do heavier lifting than I had done at home during my ultra training. Thanks to my oldest brother's friend, who acted as my pro bono personal trainer during my college summers, I have good technique. BUT I keep making myself incredibly sore.

I lifted on Monday, ran an hour on Tuesday, and swam for 40 minutes this morning (with bicycle commuting thrown in). This isn't an unusual schedule for me, but today I'm walking stiff-legged around the office, massaging my left butt cheek.

I don't think I'm over-doing it at the time. I'll feel great doing my 3 or 4 sets of 5 reps (and I'm not reaching my max), then the next day I'll be all achy. What the hell's my problem? Is this just another example of my perfectionism come to fruition? Ahhh!

1 comment:

chia said...

What are you doing? I'm not even doing much with my legs now, I'm mostly doing back/abs/arm and that's about it.