Friday, January 23, 2009

The Possibility of Fish

Ever since I wrote an eighth grade research paper on factory farming (and made several arguments to my mom), I have abstained from eating meat in all its forms - chicken, beef, pork, and fish.

That was half my life ago.

Recently, after doing some educational reading and TV watching (and a lot of soul-searching), I have been thinking more and more about eating fish once again. No longer do I object to eating meat because animals are killed in the process; I object to eating (most) meat because (most) animals are treated so poorly before they're killed. But fish are usually different, right? The fresh ones - the only one's I'd consider eating - happily swim around for their whole lives until *gasp!* they die from lack of water (or from being bashed in the head / boiled alive / etc.)

I think I'd like to try my first piece of fish on my birthday, February 3rd. My only hang-up is that I couldn't technically call myself a vegetarian anymore. Pretty stupid.

Thoughts? Opinions?

1 comment:

chia said...

Gizmo and I are tunatarians and very happily so. Meat and I seriously didn't get along so I went down to just fish again.

I was thinking of being a "fuckitarian" though. Basically only eat animals that can't or won't have sex. That's more fun for dinner conversation.